There Is No Ethan Book by Anna Akbari: A Review

 Readers looking for a thrilling novel in "There Is No Ethan" by Anna Akbari will find something unexpected. This book tells a true and chilling story about how someone can deceive online. It's about three women deceived by someone online, named Ethan Schuman. These events happened after the term "catfish" was added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

There Is No Ethan Book by Anna Akbari: A Review

The story unfolds as the victims and Akbari piece together Ethan's story. The communication was mainly through email, G-chat, or text over six weeks. Yet, some of the victims believed his lies for years.

Ethan's sophisticated ways and the victims' professions in their 30s stand out in the story. Ethan didn't aim for money or a meeting but to control the victims emotionally. He seemed highly educated with degrees from Ivy League schools, breaking the usual catfisher image.

Key Takeaways

  • This book is a true account of online manipulation, not a work of fiction.
  • The victims were successful, educated women in their 30s, a departure from the typical catfishing profile.
  • Ethan's tactics focused on emotional manipulation and persuasion rather than financial or physical gain.
  • The book provides a gripping, suspenseful narrative as the victims uncover Ethan's true identity and the mystery behind his actions.
  • The book challenges the stereotypical perception of a catfisher, highlighting the sophistication of Ethan's approach.

The Shocking Story of Online Manipulation

Anna Akbari's new book, "There Is No Ethan," is a thrilling tale of deceit and trickery online. Set for release on June 4th, 2024, the story follows a smart catfish. This catfish fooled many successful women with his clever online schemes.

In 2011, Akbari, a sociologist from New York University, met Ethan on OKCupid. Ethan seemed perfect with his charm and achievements. However, as they chatted more, Ethan's reasons for not meeting up seemed off.

Akbari did some digging and found holes in Ethan's tales. She then found two other women who had similar strange experiences with Ethan. This led to a discovery of a vast network of lies and emotional manipulation. The victims were deeply affected by this deceit.

"The twists and turns of this case will leave readers stunned by the sophisticated tactics employed by this emotional manipulator."

"There Is No Ethan" by Akbari is an eye-opening look at the outcomes of online lies and catfishing. The book, with its 304 pages, examines the damage Ethan caused. It shines a light on the dangers of internet dating scams.

Akbari's research and first-hand accounts will draw readers in. This story is in the "True Crime / Con Artists, Hoaxes & Deceptions" and "Biography & Autobiography / Criminals & Outlaws" genres. It's a warning for people to be careful in their online relationships.

A Gripping Tale of a Sophisticated Catfish

In 2011, a captivating catfish scam caught the attention of three successful women. This catfish, Ethan Schuman, played with their feelings expertly online. He used fake identities in his online dating schemes to win their trust and deceive them.

Ethan tricked women with high achievements, including a PhD in Sociology and a successful architect. Despite their knowledge and success, Ethan's lies found their way into their hearts. His fake stories and charming ways made them believe him.

Anna Akbari, the writer of "There Is No Ethan," gives a deep look at this fraud's story. She explores how emotional abuse works through this fraud case. Akbari talks about the pain Ethan caused his targets.

Her book shows emails that prove how vulnerable the women were. Ethan used tricks like pretending to have esophageal cancer and talking in a way that drew the women in emotionally. His methods deeply hurt them.

At last, the women uncovered Ethan's true identity with the help of some old friends. Akbari's story tells how she got involved with Ethan and the heartbreak that followed. It also covers the emotional struggle of the other victims.

This story warns about the dangers of online fraud and its mental effects. It urges readers to think about modern relationships and building real connections.

Anna AkbariSociologist, ProfessorPhD
Victim 2PsychologistPhD
Victim 3ArchitectN/A
Victim 4AttorneyN/A

"There Is No Ethan" by Anna Akbari deeply looks into the catfish's tale, highlighting his cunning methods in fooling accomplished women.

"The women eventually reached a breaking point when they confronted Ethan and discovered his true identity with the help of former classmates."

Akbari's book reminds us of the dangers of not thinking critically in our online lives. It unveils the complexities of online interaction and the harm catfish schemes can bring.

The Psychological Impact of Emotional Abuse

The book "There Is No Ethan" shows how Ethan used his charm to hurt people. It talks about the damage it caused. Akbari and other successful women in their 30s suffered from Ethan's emotional abuse.

Ethan tricked the women by offering what they wanted in a relationship. He caused them to doubt themselves. This made his abuse hard to see and even harder to endure.

Uncovering the Devastating Effects

Emotional abuse deeply hurts people and can last a long time. It's often harder to spot than physical abuse. The book "There Is No Ethan" explains this complex issue.

Ethan was smooth and used his charm to control others. He focused on gaining power in life and looking good to everyone. This made it tough for his victims to break free.

Emotional abuse leaves scars that can last a lifetime. Even after leaving the abuser, victims might still suffer. It's hard for them to trust themselves again.

Many people go through emotional abuse. The pain it causes is real, even if you can't see it. This shows we need to take emotional abuse seriously.

Learning from Ethan's story is important. It shows abuse doesn't always look how we expect it to. By caring for and understanding those hurt, we can make a difference.

There Is No Ethan book by Anna Akbari

Anna Akbari's memoir, "There Is No Ethan," dives into a chilling story. It's about a man, "Ethan," who deceives people online. The story focuses on Akbari's own journey and her teaming up with two other women. They all share experiences of falling prey to Ethan's emotional traps.

"There Is No Ethan" lays out the shocking details of this online catfish. It's a deep dive into how a savvy catfish preys on smart and successful women. The book reveals the emotional toll of such manipulation, spotlighting the rise of online deceit in our digital world.

The book is set to hit shelves on June 4, 2024, by Grand Central Publishing. The hardcover of this 304-page book, weighing 1.09 pounds, and measuring 6.4 x 1 x 9.35 inches, already has a solid 4.1 out of 5 stars from 106 reviews. This suggests it has drawn a strong interest from readers.

Akbari's writing is praised by media figures, certifying her as an expert on modern relationships and tech's impact. She aims to alert people to the pitfalls of online deceit through the stories of these three women. Akbari also highlights the need for critical thinking in today's digital world.

Essence of "There Is No Ethan" is a tale that reveals Ethan's strategies. Describing himself as a "highly educated overachiever," Ethan used his charm to lure in three smart, successful women. Akbari's account with these women shows the widespread danger of such deceit and its severe emotional effects.

With the upcoming release of "There Is No Ethan," readers will find a profound take on online deception. Akbari's book functions as both a warning and a guide for navigating the digital realm.

The Women Caught in Ethan's Web

Anna Akbari's book "There Is No Ethan" tells a unique story. It focuses on a group of skilled women in their 30s. These women, including a sociologist, a psychologist, an architect, and an attorney, were not what you might expect as scam victims. They were top professionals.

Despite their success, they fell into Ethan's trap. The book explains how Ethan tricked them, taking advantage of their weaknesses. It shows how even strong, smart women can be affected by manipulation and emotional abuse.

Publication DetailsPricing
  • Pages: 304
  • ISBN: 9781538742198
  • ISBN-10: 1538742195
  • Publication Date: June 4th, 2024
  • Categories: True Crime/Con Artists, Hoaxes & Deceptions; Biography & Autobiography/Criminals & Outlaws; True Crime
  • Hardcover: $30.00
  • Ebook: $14.99 - $19.99 CAD
  • Audiobook: $27.99

The author dives into Ethan's ways, showing how he played on their emotions. He slowly broke down their self-belief. The book is packed with real stories that highlight the pain of deep emotional abuse.

"Anna Akbari's book is a thrilling cat and mouse saga, a stunning exploration of modern social engineering, and a cautionary tale that every woman needs to read."

The critics and readers all love "There Is No Ethan." Big names in writing, like Gregg Olsen and Abby Ellin, and publications like the New York Times have praised it. It's a powerful look at the effects of emotional abuse, even on the highly accomplished.

Uncovering the Stories of the Intelligent, Successful Women

Anna Akbari is a former professor at top universities. She's worked with many well-known people. Her writing has been featured in famous places like the New York Times and TED.

Akbari's book examines the experiences of these educated women with Ethan. It shows how emotional abuse can impact anyone, regardless of their success.

Unraveling the Mystery: Identifying the Real Ethan

Anna Akbari and the others in "There Is No Ethan" began to see through Ethan's lies. They worked hard to unmask him. Using smart detective work and even a dream, they found out the truth. Ethan wasn't who he said he was. He wasn't really educated or successful.

The story shows how difficult it was to uncover Ethan's fake life. It highlights the tricks he used to pretend to be different people. The victims, like Akbari's group, suffered a lot because of his lies.

People who are lonely might be more at risk of being tricked online. They are then victims of catfishing. It's an issue even the Surgeon General has warned about. Discovering who he really was marked a turning point for the victims.

  1. Over 49.7 million Americans have tried online dating in the United States.
  2. Nearly 30% of young adults are current users of online dating platforms.
  3. In 2016, Oklahoma became the first U.S. state to enact a law addressing the use of someone's photographs to create a false identity.
  4. Catfishers may manipulate victims using emotionally abusive techniques like love bombing and gaslighting.

Finally learning the truth about Ethan was a big deal. It helped the victims close that painful chapter. The women saw Ethan had set up so many lies. He used tricky methods online to trick them. This discovery showed the true havoc of catfishing.

The Art of Emotional Manipulation

"There Is No Ethan" gets to the core of how emotional manipulation works. Ethan, the main character, uses clever tricks to control people, mainly smart, successful women in their 30s. The book shows how Ethan tricks them with words, gives them lots of attention, and makes them believe they've found true love and friendship.

Ethan plays on the women's wish for a deep romantic relationship in today's online world. He keeps them hooked with constant texts and up-and-down emotions, making them ignore warning signs. This story is a hard read about the lasting harm of mental abuse, even on people you'd think are too smart to fall for it.

Deception and Emotional Investment

Ethan's trick was to make up an impressive background that drew in his targets. He said he went to top schools and had big jobs in finance, impressing the women. But, they never actually met him face to face, even after trying many times.

Ethan told lies, like faking sick, to get the women to feel sorry for him and trust him more. This rollercoaster of feelings, along with his non-stop messages, kept the women interested. They kept believing in him, even when they started to see through his lies.

Reclaiming Power and Confronting the Catfisher

After realizing they were played emotionally, the women came together to uncover Ethan's deceit. They found out who he really was behind the online mask. They thought Ethan wanted power over them more than he cared about money.

The women stood up to Ethan, refusing to let his lies shake their faith in people. This move was a show of their courage not to let emotional manipulation defeat them.

"The victims had engaged in lengthy conversations with the catfisher, discussing personal topics such as relationships, families, and careers."
Emotional Manipulation TacticsDescription
GaslightingThe act of manipulating someone into questioning their own reality, memory, or perceptions.
Love BombingOverwhelm the victim with excessive attention, affection, gifts, and promises of a perfect relationship.
Intermittent ReinforcementProvide rewards and affection inconsistently, creating a state of uncertainty and dependence.
IsolationCut off the victim from friends, family, and other support systems to increase dependence.

Ethan's story shines a light on how devastating emotional manipulation can be, even on strong people. By knowing these techniques, readers can see them coming and guard themselves against hurtful behaviors.

Lessons from the Ethan Saga

Anna Akbari's book, "There Is No Ethan," tells the gripping tale of Ethan and his victims. Through this story, we learn important lessons about the dangers of emotional manipulation and abuse. It shows how anyone, even successful people, can become a victim. This makes us think about empathy and understanding in a new light.

The book also highlights the importance of being safe when dating online. It shows how easily even smart people can fall for manipulative tricks. Knowing the signs and protecting ourselves is key in today's digital age.

It also gives tips on spotting fake online profiles and the need to check the truth behind them. By looking at Ethan's deceptive ways, it reminds us to be alert online. This is particularly crucial in romantic interactions and making new friends online.

"There Is No Ethan" warns us about online dangers but also encourages us to act. It stresses the importance of recognizing emotional abuse and supporting those who face it. By spreading its message, the book aims to help us all be smarter and safer online.

The book is not just a warning but a guide, and it has won over many readers. It ranked #3,963 in Best Sellers, appealing to a wide range of interests. At $30.00, it's affordable and ships fast, making it easy to get and share.

"There Is No Ethan" equips us to face digital challenges with wisdom and empathy. It's indispensable for understanding and tackling the risks online. By learning from Ethan's story, we gain the power to protect ourselves and our families.


Anna Akbari's memoir, "There Is No Ethan," shows how online lies can deeply harm us. Her story tells of deep pain caused by someone pretending to be someone else online. This not only warns us about fake online friends but also shows the hurt it can bring to smart and successful people.

Akbari lets us into her life and those of Ethan's other victims. She helps us see the damage emotional abuse can do, even to strong people. Her book is a warning, showing us how dangerous online tricks can be.

"There Is No Ethan" is essential reading for those who want to spot and avoid lies in relationships. Akbari tells a compelling story. She also shows how kindness, facing our problems, and sharing our tough times can help others who faced similar challenges.


Is "There Is No Ethan" a real book by Anna Akbari?

Yes, it is. "There Is No Ethan" is a real memoir by Anna Akbari. She is a sociologist. She wrote about her experience with online deception in the book.

What is the book about?

The book tells a story of deceit online. This true story follows Akbari. She was tricked emotionally by a man known as "Ethan." It also talks about two women who went through the same thing.

Akbari shares how she and the other women found out about Ethan's deceit.

Who is Ethan, the central figure in the book?

Ethan is no ordinary deceiver. He is very smart, with degrees from Ivy League schools. He used his intelligence to hurt and control these women.

What kind of impact did Ethan's actions have on his victims?

Ethan caused a great deal of pain. His actions made the women feel unsure of themselves and their choices. Even though they were successful, Ethan made them feel weak and manipulated.

How did the victims uncover Ethan's true identity?

They used smart thinking and a lucky dream to find out who Ethan really was. This discovery showed he was not as accomplished as he claimed to be. It was a big moment in their story.

What are the key lessons and insights readers can gain from the book?

"There Is No Ethan" teaches us about the dangers of online deception. It shows that anyone, no matter how smart, can be a victim. The book asks us to think about our own ideas on who can be targeted by such abuse.

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